

转学生是我们校园社区的重要组成部分,并且在每年的楔石学院新生中占很大一部分. 我们为从各种两年制和四年制学校转学的学生提供慷慨的奖学金和丰厚的转学分. 

Who should apply as a transfer student?

如果你在其他学院或大学尝试过至少12个或更多的大学学分(非发展性)(不包括高中期间的课程), you can apply to 重点大学 as a transfer student. If you’re unsure of your status at the school you are attending, or previously attended, 我们建议您联系该机构的注册办公室.


570-945-8111 or
Location: Sabiston Hall
Meet Your 招生 Counselor




Credits may be applied for students seeking a bachelor’s degree.


Credits may be applied for students seeking a associate degree.


只有成绩达到“C”或更高的课程才能获得转学分. Grades of “P” or “S” are not accepted for credit. 看到 大学目录 for more information on transferring credits.


了解所有关于楔石学院和我们为转学生提供的服务! 您将能够携带您的大学成绩单,以便在现场获得即时录取决定, as well as a transfer credit evaluation!

Transfer tips from a Keystone Student

Thinking about transferring to 重点大学? Check out these tips from Keystone student Amy Franklin in this Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society 博客. 阅读指导转学过程和适应新学校的建议.

Partnerships and Transfer Agreements

In order to make the transfer process as seamless as possible, 我们与以下院校签订了专业协议. 该协议适用于在这些机构中获得副学士学位且GPA达到2分的学生.0.

重点大学与以下学校签订了双录取协议. 在合作学校注册副学士学位课程的学生可以被录取到Keystone的学士学位课程, with guaranteed third year (junior) status, 条件是他们从合作学校毕业,平均成绩不低于2分.并在第三学期开始前完成“双重录取意向”表格. Additional benefits may be available to dual admission students. 有兴趣的学生请联系他们的学校了解协议的细节.

  • 约翰逊学院
  • Montgomery County Community College

Articulation Agreements:
Keystone学院还与几所学校合作,提供特定专业的转学衔接协议,以确保无缝转学过程. 根据这些协议,学生将保证在衔接课程的第三年(初级)状态. 有兴趣的学生应联系他们的学校或楔石学院招生办公室了解协议的细节, including a list of transferable and recommended courses.

  • Bucks County Community College

  • 卡姆登县学院

  • Corning Community College

  • Harrisburg Area Community College

  • 约翰逊学院

  • 拉克万纳大学

  • Lehigh Carbon Community College

  • Luzerne County Community College

  • Montgomery County Community College –  Dual Admission

  • Northampton County Community College

  • Susquehanna County Career Technology Center



Adult students can receive 先前学习学分 因为他们在进入基斯顿学院之前已经获得了知识. 学院认为,在课堂之外获得的学习是有价值的,可能有资格获得大学学分.

Local Transfer Credit Equivalencies

Hundreds of courses transfer from our local schools!

免责声明:当考虑从其他地区机构转移课程时,提供此信息作为参考使用. Transcripts and courses are still evaluated on an individual basis. This information is not a guarantee of transferability.
关于接受其他机构的课程作业的问题,请直接向注册办公室咨询:registrar@globalcors.com. 重点大学保留随时更改此信息的权利.



Instant decisions are available upon request during any campus visit. There is no commitment to receive an instant decision; just the benefit of knowing of your acceptance sooner!

To expedite the instant decision process, it is recommended that you complete an application prior to your visit.

Preferred 应用程序 Deadlines

秋季学期:   July 1 – Resident Students   |   August 1 – Commuter Students*
春季学期: 12月15日


Important Codes: SAT code: 2351 ACT code: 3602 | FAFSA: 003280

1. 应用程序

Two different ways to apply:
  1. 应用ing to multiple colleges?
    计划申请多所接受通用申请的学校的学生,应提交“通用申请” 常见的应用程序.
  2. 应用ing to just a few colleges?
    Students who plan to apply only to a few schools should choose the 重点大学 Online 应用程序 or download, print and submit a 论文应用程序.

2. 提交FAFSA

完成 Free 应用程序 for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) if you’d like to be considered for federal and state financial aid. The FAFSA can be filed after October 1st.  如果你是宾夕法尼亚州的居民,你必须在5月1日之前提交申请,才有资格申请州政府资助.

3. High School Transcripts

向你的高中指导顾问索要一份正式的高中成绩单, or send official GED test scores (if applicable).


La Plume, PA 18440

4. 考试成绩(可选)

If received, test scores will be considered. 招生 may request test scores in some cases. Test scores can be submitted by requesting a report from collegeboard.或者可以包含在你高中指导办公室寄给你的成绩单上. 阅读更多关于我们 test-optional政策.

5. Letter of Recommendation or Personal Statement

A letter of recommendation, 老师的评价, 不需要关于你为什么应该被录取的个人陈述, but highly recommended.

  • 还在上高中? Have your teacher complete a Teacher Evaluation Form
  • 已经毕业? 你可能会有, other than a friend or relative, write a letter of recommendation in place of a 老师的评价.

Email to admissions@globalcors.com or send by mail to:
La Plume, PA 18440

Special Considerations for Learning and/or Physical Disabilities

重点大学 complies with policy and federal law, 1973年康复法案第504条和1990年美国残疾人法案, which prohibit discrimination on the basis of a disability.

为了要求为有学习或其他障碍的学生提供服务和/或住宿, Keystone学院需要由适当的专业人员对残疾的性质进行评估,并指定与大学学习环境相关的任何限制和特殊住宿.

而信息可能包含在一个个性化的教育计划, 504 Plan or Transitional Plan, 重点大学保留要求提供额外信息或评估的权利, such as recent psychological testing, 确保残疾学生在其任职期间得到适当的指导和帮助. 适当的文件应提交给招生办公室不迟于上课前四周, to ensure adequate time for review.

Learn more about Keystone’s Disability Services.

Keeping the Keystone Promise
